We can also help you with 1:1 sessions and information sheets.
Other information about education options

Support sessions
REUK offers 1:1 online support sessions for young people and the professionals who support them.
We run online workshops for young refugees and asylum seekers aged 14-25 who want to understand more about the UK education system.
The workshop covers:
The benefits of education
An overview of UK educational institutions (primary and secondary school; FE college etc) and the various qualifications typically available each institution.
Possible routes through the UK education system
The barriers a student may face and ideas on how to overcome them
The workshops are designed for young people with lower levels of English and are interactive with as little text as possible, but to get much out of the time a young person should have at least ESOL level 1 standard of English.
What does the workshp cover?
The next workshops will be on Monday 28th June from 5pm until 6.30 pm. If you would like to book a place for a young person please click here.
If you would like to contact us about running a workshop for an existing group of young people please contact our FE coordinator George Kalibala.
Each workshop runs for 90 minutes and is free of charge.
We are currently conducting the workshops online. It is therefore important that the young person has access to a laptop or smart phone and a good internet connection for the duration of the workshop.
How does it work?