We can also help you with 1:1 sessions and information sheets.
Other information about education options

Education pathway planning workshop
Who is the workshop for?
The workshop is for any young person* from a refugee or asylum-seeking background who wants to understand more about the English education system and wishes to go to college or university.
The workshop is designed for people with lower levels of English and is interactive with as little text as possible. However, to get much out of it you will need to be at least at ESOL Entry Level 2.
How good does your English need to be to take part?
In the workshop we will look at:
Ways of how you can move forward in your education after arriving in the UK.
An overview of educational institutions (primary school; secondary school; Further Education college, etc.) and the various qualifications you can achieve at each institution.
Possible routes through the English education system up to University.
The various barriers you may face along the way and ideas of how to overcome them.
What will the workshop cover?
We are currently running the workshop both in-person and online.
The workshop is 90 minutes long.
At the moment we are running the training online and so to join in you will need access to a laptop (the best option) or a smart phone and good internet connection. To make the most of this workshop, please prepare and ask as many questions as you would like.
Where is the workshop?
How long is the workshop?
Do you need to prepare anything?
The workshops are free.
Book your place here.
*For the purposes of this workshop we define young people as 16-30. If you are outside of this age bracket and need help accessing education in the UK please contact advice@reuk.org.
How much does it cost?
How can you book?
The next Educational Pathway Planning session will be held on Monday 28th February 2022 at 5:00 pm (online via Zoom). You can book your place by clicking here.