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Respuesta educativa de Ucrania

Apoyamos a los niños y jóvenes de Ucrania cuyas vidas han cambiado de la noche a la mañana.


Hacemos un llamado a los gobiernos y a la comunidad internacional para garantizar que la educación de los niños y jóvenes sea protegida y respetada durante esta crisis.

Declaración de REUK tras la invasión de Ucrania

Estamos devastados por la invasión de Ucrania.

En todos los conflictos, los niños y los jóvenes se encuentran entre los más afectados. Las escuelas cierran o ya no son lugares seguros, y se les quita el derecho a los niños a aprender y jugar sin miedo.

Instamos al gobierno del Reino Unido a que establezca urgentemente rutas accesibles, seguras y legales al Reino Unido para los ucranianos obligados a huir de sus hogares. 

Sin esto, el Proyecto de Ley de Nacionalidad y Fronteras , que está cada vez más cerca de convertirse en ley a medida que se desarrolla esta crisis, criminalizará a los ucranianos, incluidos los niños y los jóvenes, que llegan al Reino Unido sin haber tenido más opción que huir por sus propios medios. Cuando la guerra llega a su puerta, no pueden sentarse y esperar.

Hacemos un llamado al gobierno del Reino Unido para que establezca un paquete integral de apoyo e integración para recibir a los refugiados ucranianos en el Reino Unido. Esto debe incluir el apoyo a la educación y el bienestar a través de asociaciones con el gobierno local, organizaciones benéficas e instituciones educativas. 

REUK está lista para apoyar la educación de los niños y jóvenes refugiados ucranianos que se ven obligados a huir, ayudándolos a reavivar la esperanza para el futuro en medio de la incertidumbre y la devastación de la guerra en su país de origen.

Patrocinio Universitario y Becas: primeras manifestaciones de interés

En esta etapa, estamos recopilando expresiones iniciales de interés "sin compromiso" de universidades que deseen ofrecer alojamiento o becas a estudiantes refugiados ucranianos para ingresar en septiembre de 2022. Si puede completar este formulario para su institución, hágalo. De lo contrario, reenvíelo a la persona dentro de su institución con la autoridad pertinente.

El Programa Hogares para Ucrania permite a las organizaciones, incluidas las universidades, patrocinar a un refugiado ucraniano que viene al Reino Unido a través de la provisión de alojamiento.

REUK apoya a las universidades que deseen explorar esta posibilidad y brinda apoyo a los estudiantes ucranianos que necesitan continuar su educación en universidades del Reino Unido.

Resources for recently arrived refugees (including Ukraine specific examples)

For advice about education in the UK

Other resources for newly-arrived refugees and asylum seekers

  • Visit our Education Welcome page for a range of English and Wellbeing resources. We are in the process of recruiting staff for a new Education Welcome Project which will provide additional information, including in Ukrainian. 

  • Education without Backpacks has free educational resources for children in Ukrainian, English and Russian on their website. 

  • The Ukrainian Institute London has some useful links on their website, also, and says that they will be updating their page with information on how to get children enrolled into schools in the UK. 

  • Student Action for Refugees (STAR) has a resource/info page for students from Ukraine who may be affected by the crisis in Ukraine. 



  • If you’d like to volunteer as an educational mentor for a young refugee or asylum seeker, find out more here

  • If you’ve got questions about mentoring (for example setting up mentoring projects in your area or getting further training and support), please contact

Other ways of welcoming newly arrived refugees

    How to support refugee education and/or offer your time and skills

REUK is in the process of ramping up our education welcome project. We'll be posting more information on this page soon. In the meantime, please see below for some useful resources for recently arrived refugees, including Ukrainians, and those supporting them. If you would think there is a resource which should be added here, please get in touch. 

REUK and Youth Advisory Board Statement - Ukraine and refugees in the UK

9th May 2022

At the most recent quarterly Youth Advisory Board meeting, one of our board members voiced their frustration and upset at the emerging difference in response in Britain towards refugees from Europe and those from elsewhere. 

REUK stands with Ukrainian refugees. We also stand with refugees and asylum seekers from any and every country because we believe that anyone fleeing persecution or conflict is worthy of safety, protection and a chance to rebuild their lives - and that no refugee or asylum seeker should be treated differently because of their background or colour of their skin.

We have been warmed by the keenness to respond to the specific crises in Afghanistan and Ukraine, and are working with newly-arrived refugees and asylum seekers from both these countries, as well as from elsewhere. This is why our new Education Welcome Project will address the educational and wellbeing needs of any newly arrived refugee or asylum seeker, whatever their background. 

We are very concerned about the number of Afghan refugees still in hotels across the country, and continue to object to the unfair treatment of refugees and asylum seekers from all over the world who are severely restricted in their access to education and other important services. We will keep responding with kindness and urgency to emerging refugee situations, wherever they are in the world. 

We will continue to listen and learn from our Youth Advisory Board, and other young people supported by REUK, on the racism they experience, which includes any policies or responses which affect them. We also apply the same scrutiny to our own work as an organisation, and will be sharing an update on the anti-racism work we’ve been doing at REUK and how it fits into our EDI policies more broadly. We will always support young refugees and asylum seekers to overcome the challenges they face here, however they manifest. 

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