REUK's Educational Mentoring team

Would you like someone to help you every week with your education?
Get an educational mentor.
Educational mentoring is for people who are all of these things:
14–25 years old.
from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds (including refugee status, humanitarian protection, asylum seekers, UASC leave etc). If you are not sure if this is you, then you can ask your social worker or teacher to find out.
living or studying in London, Oxford or Birmingham.
going to school or college and would like extra help with homework and English practice.
learning English at any level (even if you've just started).
Who is it for?
Educational mentoring is extra support every week to help you with:
1. English practice.
2. The work you are finding difficult at school or college.
You will meet for one hour each week with a person who will help you with your English practice and homework.
They are called a mentor.
What is educational mentoring?
'My mentor helps me with assessments and homework that the college gives me and she’s very helpful. I’m doing Public Services Level 2 and I passed for Level 3 and I’m doing level 1 English and Maths. Sometimes having lots of work without any one to help you is very stressful. You're going to think to give up, but if there is someone to support you, you will have courage to make your dream come true.'
- young person in REUK's Educational Mentoring programme

How does educational mentoring work?
Who are educational mentors?
How do I get a mentor?
We will talk to you about what you are finding difficult at school or college, and what you would like to get better at. We will then introduce you to an educational mentor who meets with you every week to help you with your education. You will meet your mentor in a library once every week for one hour. You can bring homework that is difficult and they can help with practising English.
A mentor is a person who meets with you every week to help you with your homework and English practice.
REUK trains them - They are a volunteer and are giving their time for free.
Tell your teacher or social worker that you'd like a mentor and ask them to email the Mentoring Coordinator local to your area on the page below.
"If you are in South London and would like a mentor, please ask your teacher to email"
Cennydd Young, Educational Mentoring Coordinator - South London
Giulia Clericetti, Educational Mentoring Coordinator – Oxford and West London
"If you are in Oxford or North London and would like a mentor, please ask your teacher to email"
"If you are in North London and would like a mentor, please ask your teacher to email"
Cara Dartnell-Steinberg, Educational Mentoring Coordinator – North London
"I'm Cara and you can get in touch with me at"
Cara Dartnell-Steinberg, Educational Mentoring Coordinator – North London
Ayesha Williams
Online Learning Transition Project Manager
Head of Educational Mentoring
Andrew Cooper
Amy Ashlee
Research Officer

"I'm Cennydd and you can get in touch with me at"
Cennydd Young, Educational Mentoring Coordinator – South London
Giulia Clericetti, Educational Mentoring Coordinator – Oxford
"I'm Giulia and you can get in touch with me about educational mentoring in Oxford at"

Eleftheria Ktenas, Educational Mentoring Coordinator – East London
"I'm Eleftheria and you can get in touch with me about educational mentoring in East London at"

"I'm Cennydd and you can get in touch with me at"

Andrew Cooper - Head of Educational Mentoring
"I'm Andrew and I am the Head of Educational Mentoring at Refugee Education UK."
Cennydd Young, Educational Mentoring Coordinator – South London

Eleftheria Ktenas, Educational Mentoring Coordinator - East London
"If you are in East London and would like a mentor, please ask your teacher to email"
Andrew Cooper, Head of Educational Mentoring
"I'm Andrew and I manage our Educational Mentoring team."
To refer a young person to the educational mentoring programme, please email the mentoring coordinator for the relevant area .
Hammed Kayode Alabi, Educational Mentoring Coordinator – West London
"I'm Hammed, you can contact me at"
Andrew Cooper - Head of Educational Mentoring
"I'm Andrew, I coordinate the Educational Mentoring programme.
Rosy Cockburn, Senior Educational Mentoring Coordinator – Birmingham
"I'm Rosy and you can get in touch with me about educational mentoring in Birmingham"